Keeping your balance

When you have a family, whether that family is still young or fully grown, keeping balance is not that easy.  Being in balance means that you are having enough time for your family as well as yourself and any other responsibilities you might have.  In today’s world that is easier said than done.  It is necessary though if you want to feel the peace that comes from that balance.  If you leave even one of the things in your life out and neglect it, even for a little while, you will find yourself trying to catch up and it will only get worse.  Most people will leave themselves out and begin to feel the stress that comes from not having enough time to do what is necessary for themselves.  Whether that is something around their home or something personal, it will begin to create a strain within themselves and within their relationships.  In order to feel balance within your life you have to have time for yourself, spouse, children, parents, relatives, job and fun.  All of this does not have to happen everyday.  The amount of time that you spend with each person or thing is up to you and your relationship with that person.  It should be happening often enough that you are not feeling the pressure from it.  It should also not feel like it is an obligation or a chore.  If it does, you should re-examine why you’re doing it.  If seeing a person feels like a chore or an obligation, examine why you’re doing it and if you realize that you don’t think it is your responsibility, then stop doing it as often or at all.  Balance is about doing what needs to get done with a little fun thrown in there for good measure.  Life is not mostly work and responsibilities.  It is a balance of  responsibilities and enjoyment.  If you are feeling resentment, like you never have any fun anymore or like life is a drudgery, you are out of balance.  If you are feeling that no one wants to be around you and you are alone more then you would like to be, you are out of balance.  You will have to examine what you are spending your time doing.  If it is all work and no play, begin to have fun with the people you love.  If you are feeling alone and lonely, make it more about others and their needs and wants and less about you.  Either way you will have to let go of the routine you have let yourself fall into and replace it with something more enjoyable for yourself and others.  The following link will help you to let go of what is no longer working for you.

Here is the link. Enjoy!

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I became a therapist in an attempt to understand my own childhood and what happened there and how it made me who I am, exhibiting the behaviors that were not always positive, very often self-destructive. I used Art Therapy to help me understand things in my past that were stopping me from making better decisions in my present day. I used Behavioral Science to help me understand underlying causal factors, roots to the present day behaviors that I was seeing in myself. Both help me to change those behaviors/thoughts that were causing me to make self-destructive decisions that were causing pain in life. I have been a therapist since 1985 and have an undergraduate degree Art and behavioral science (double major) from the University of Maine. My graduate work was done at Marywood university and I have a degree in Art Therapy. I have certificates in Forensic Interviewing and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior therapy. I have 22 out of 30 credits toward a degree in Trauma Therapy from Drexel University. I started out as a Community Support Worker, Program Manager/Clinical Supervisor, Family therapist and Outpatient therapist.

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