
With every choice comes a consequence.  We, as a nation, have just elected a President.  Good, bad, right, wrong he is President.  The consequences for that are yet to come.  My prayer is that he is not as immature as he makes himself out to be.  That he will be able to make choices about this country without throwing a temper tantrum, as we’ve seen on camera.  Maybe that was just for the camera?  If so, that would mean he doesn’t have a lot of self-esteem.  I pray that he has more control over his mind and mouth then he has shown in the past and that he does not anger entire nations any more than he already has.  I pray that he will be for the poor and middle class more then for the rich.   I pray that he will not increase taxes for the middle class anymore then they already are.  I pray that we are not sorry for our choice once he is in office.  I pray that God is in this and will stay in this.  I pray the consequences for this choice are not too severe to overcome and that we do not come to regret it.

The majority of the American people apparently thought it was a good idea to elect this man.  I will support whomever is President because I love this country.  I want us to succeed.  Division only makes us vulnerable and easily overcome.  In order to stay strong we need to unite and be one nation under God.  I will watch my own videos to get rid of the fears I have concerning this man who is now President of this country I love.  I will pray he is not the man I think.

Click here for the video’s.